This is my workout routine. I prefer barbells to machines but my gym kind of sucks. Usually 3x 8-12 with 30-90 sec rest between sets, depending. On cardio days I just stay in my target HR zone. PWO meal is always a protein shake and sometimes a banana too.


Mon (Chest & Arms)

Smith Machine Incline Bench Press

Cable Crossover

Cable One-Arm High Curl

Cable Standing Biceps Curl

Cable Rope Triceps Pushdown

Machine Assisted Dip

Core junk (decline crunches, leg raises, whatever)


Tues (Cardio)

Bike 6 mi


Wed (Legs)

Smith Machine Squat

Leg Press Machine

Seated Leg Curl

Calf Raises

Thigh Adductor

Thigh Abductor

More core junk


Thurs (Cardio)

Bike 6 mi


Fri (Back & Shoulders)

Smith Machine Bent Over Row

Smith Machine Shoulder Press

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Cable Lateral Raise

Cable Reverse Fly

Dumbbell Shoulder Shrug


Machine Assisted Chin-up

Even more core junk


Sat/Sun off unless I feel like doing cardio one day, which lol no