Hey there DietBetters!

I am so excited to be participating in my first DietBet4, and of course, I have a food plan and workout plan tucked in my back pocket to help me succeed. What's really amazing to me is how much the workout plan is KICKING MY BUTT, considering it uses NO equipment, and is something I am doing at home in my living room.

I am doing at-home work out videos that are FREE from a website (FitnessBlender.com), and as I said, they don't use equipment, and can be done in my living room.

I am new to strength training, and I am realizing both how STRONG I am, and how WEAK I am in certain areas of my body. For example, I am getting pretty good at doing squats, despite having one "bad" knee, and the more I do them, the less that knee is hurting. However, some moves in the videos, such as coming up into a bridge, and then lifting one leg up, are SO difficult that they leave me GASPING.

I guess that's the really cool part too: I feel like I am doing strength AND cardio at the same time: my muscles are burning, and sometimes my heart is POUNDING (in a good way), despite the fact that I am "only" doing pilates or other floor work.

One of the downsides is: I am sore ALL the time. I am about a week and half into using this new program, and I incorporate rest days as needed, but MAN am I sore. And that's the great thing: having a video, or a program, or a trainer, I always push myself WAY harder than I would if I were working out all alone.

I am taking lots of pics and measurements, and I am pretty sure I am gonna have some good results. Already, I am sleeping better (full 8 or 9 hours, consistent schedule, wake up refreshed), and I am experiencing LESS medical issues (I had some digestive issues and heart palps before beginning...these are greatly reducing with this new exercise).

So, I am gonna keep sweating it out! Good luck DietBetters! We can do this!