I am so chuffed with myself.

Weigh out for first diet bet - I hit target.

First round weigh in for transformer bet - hit target!

And I ran a 5k on the treadmill yesterday. Not bad going for a girl who is still over 200lbs (but only just!!)

I kinda 95% knew I could do it and hit my targets but there was that 5% of doubt. Luckily now that I have hit the targets, that doubt stays at only 5%. My next target will be big! and that is scary. But I can do. "Don't believe me, just watch!" Whoo!

So I am not hitting the gym today, gonna walk the dogs in the sunshine. Gotta a busy weekend at work - yes I work weekends, someone has to - then back on it tomorrow.

I have a task to do today that I have been putting off. I have mentioned I am going away with my mum to Sri Lanka and Thailand, but I haven't booked the time off at work. Argh. My boss is a stressy middle aged hormonal woman who has had some health problems and a lot going on, and I need to book THREE weeks off work. This is not going to go down well. I have mention to her that we were looking at booking an adventure holiday but she has never asked my anything about it so I haven't offered any further info.

So I am doing it today. Finally! Honest I am....Ohhhh I am so gonna get shouted at.

So have a good one all!