I've been doing really pretty well here on DietBet for the past 2.5 months.  I lost 13 pounds and gained a bunch of confidence.

 But the last two weeks have been a bit rough and I found that I haven't been handling things very well.  Due to craziness at work and now my gym being closed for a week, I haven't been working out like I usually do.  I've been making excuses for things and, even though I'm tracking my calories still, I'm not as diligent as I usually am.  I've been allowing myself treats more often than I ought to and I've been allowing myself to eat more junk food for stupid reasons ("It's free" or "I don't want it to go bad").  


If I really think about it, I realize I've been sabotaging my progress unconsciously.  I'm now about at the weight I was when I graduated from high school.  I haven't seen a weight under 160 since puberty.  Part of me is afraid that if I try to lose more, I'll fail, that there's no way I can reach my goal weight in the next 6 months.  


Well, now that I am aware of these feelings, I know what I can do about them.  I'm back on the wagon today.  Green smoothie for breakfast, lots of veggies and a protein bar for lunch.  Maybe I'll see if my boyfriend will go for a nice walk or run with me when I get home this evening.  


Besides, I've got way too much money riding on this.  I'm willing to part with the pounds, but not my cash.  ;-)