So we are about halfway through this challenge and it has been exactly that: A Challenge.  I have 3.3 more pounds to go and I think if I can get through this week, I might be able to do it.  

My emotions have been riding a roller coaster over the past two weeks and that is certainly not helping. Some days I am super gung-ho about exercise and other days I am completely exhausted and don't want to do anything.  Some days I am super healthy about eating and other days I do what's "easy" if I am too busy... which translates into a bowl of pasta or something super carby.  I avoid wine Monday through Thursday, but come the weekend, all bets are off.  Somedays I am excellent about keeping my sugar intake low and other days all I crave are sweets.

I suppose that will all even out over time, but who doesn't want changes NOW?  I do.  You probably do too.

Patience is not - and has never been - my "thing."  I once asked my husband (we were talking about stereotypes) that if he just met me, what he would think I did for a living.  He said he'd probably think I was a teacher - either very young kids or high school kids, but not in between.  Ha!  After my initial state of shock wore off, I laughed and laughed and laughed.  That's a job you need patience in order to be successful.  To his point, patience is something that can be learned.  Perhaps he sees something in me that I don't.  Perhaps not all hope is not lost and I will learn a little from this challenge, win or lose.  I'm trying to stay positive and take one day at a time.  

(Except yesterday.  Yesterday was horrible and I'd like to pretend that day didn't happen.) :)