I really do try to avoid the scale ever day, but I left it in a place where I literally almost trip over it.  It's kind of a reminder for me to stay motivated.  It's more of an obstacle for my husband; it's in our bedroom.

Sometimes the scale is great and you feel awesome when you get off it.

"You lost 1 pound since your last way in! You rock! Keep it up!"

Today, the numbers were less inspirational.  

"What the hell have you been doing?  Your numbers are going in the wrong direction!"

Same as yesterday.  That number keeps going up, despite the fact that I'm eating well and back into an exercise routine.  

I know all the standard explanations.  Water weight. Muscle weighs more than fat. I'm a girl. Blah blah blah.

If you weigh yourself too often, it really can screw with your head.  So don't do that.  And maybe I will learn someday not to do that too.