DAY 94: Delusions of non-grandeur


06/26/2015 6:14AM
This made me so happy, and so proud of you. It is so easy to see the flaws (I mean, we're bred for it!), but being able to find yourself and your merit after that-- in the SAME day, too?!-- just amazing. I especially love how honestly you talk about your immediate self-flagellation. It's that knee-jerk, that reflex that (I think maybe as women) we all do. It's stupid and detrimental. But you caught it. And that's another reason you're a bad-ass. And for realsies-- nobody should tag people in Facebook. Nobody has ever tagged me in a good photo-- ever. And I haven't always hated my face. People are just dicks when it comes to filtering out terrible photos. DICKS. 200 miles, GIRL. So great! Please coordinate your 25th mile to this song, because it is the greatest song ever:

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Thanks, Tia! :) It really sucks to feel like you've come so far, only to realize how far away you still are from where you need to be. I mean, it's part of the process for everyone, but it sucks to be bitch-slapped by reality when it doesn't square with your mental perception. I'm glad I'm not self-destructing, though. It sounds like I was all strong, but it really just kinda... happened. Good thing I set that goal, I guess. Obsessive personality pays off!

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