I can’t do full push-ups. I can’t. I don’t know when I was able to last; I may have been about 10. I don’t know. When they show up in workouts, which they do very often, I do them on my knees. I figure, it’s ok, I’m a girl, I can do “girl pushups”. 

I want to do REAL push-ups!!! 

Anyway, my P90X3 workout was Eccentric Upper yesterday. It’s basically a bunch of regular movements but going slowly in the ‘negative’ direction. Gives a nice challenge to familiar moves. Push-ups are a big part of Tony Horton’s identity apparently, because in the last month or so he has made me do more than I would ever consider a rational amount. I was mildly traumatized last year to find out that this darn weight that I gained made doing push-ups, even on my knees, really hard for me. I have kept fitness a regular a part of my life, even through the sad awful times that I gained the weight during, so overall I didn’t lose much of my stamina or strength, yet I had made things MUCH more challenging for me. I am pleased to report that I seem to have fixed that! I feel like I can do “girl push-ups” as well as I could when I was about 40 pounds lighter. I am almost, kind of, sort of able do real push-ups! I keep trying to do them and I get a little further down each week. In an odd way I’m looking at my extra weight right now as a training tool. I figure it will help me make my arms super strong, so when I do reach my weight loss goals the combination of strong arms and less of me to lift will mean I will be able to do REAL push-ups with the best of them!  Woo!

Ok, so my workout went well yesterday but I have a small confession: I made pudding last night. My boyfriend and I were sitting around after dinner complaining about the random food we craved. It isn’t something we normally do at all. In fact for my boyfriend to say he wants something specific out of the blue like that is nearly unheard of. He wanted ice cream and I wanted cheesecake. We had some pudding in the cupboard so I went for it hoping to make us both satisfied. It was also the only dessert type thing in the house; I can’t seem to magically pull ice cream or cheesecakes out of the back of our woefully unmagical cupboard.  Anyway, I always use unsweetened soymilk to make pudding, so I feel like it could be worse. My happy news is that we didn’t finish it! When I would make pudding last year we used to end up eating all of it even though that was 2+ servings each. Last night we each had a little bit out of a little mug, enjoyed it happily and the rest is in the fridge. I’m so glad to see that moderation is becoming natural for us and that we can enjoy a treat here and there without going overboard.  It’s as though I have been practicing being healthy since January and it’s FINALLY sinking in.