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Biking Syl

08/15/2015 6:43AM
Amazing progress!! You are really making this a life style change. About the fiber/carb issue: There are good carbs and bad carbs. Anything with sugar and white flour, white bread., white rice,... is a bad idea. But whole grain rice or bread and veggies also have plenty of carbs - but the good kind. Those are complex carbs with plenty of fiber. Complex carbs are absorbed slowly, so they don't jack up your blood sugar. They will be absorbed even more slowly, if you have them with a little protein. That's why beans and other legumes are so good for you: They contain both protein and good carbs for a perfect mix. Hope this helps. I love how you pre-plan the parties and the vacation, actually. I started bringing food to parties as well. People are usually happy when I do - and I always have at least one safe food to eat. :-)

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