So this weekend I'm running my third 5K! It's at 5:30 PM on Saturday which seems odd, plus it's going to be super humid and almost 90!!!!!!!! One thing I've noticed is that running is getting easer. I have an 8 week to 5k program on my phone (sadly i'm on week 6 and it's been since March, I'll blame that on my back) Anyway, Right now i'm running for 10 minutes at a time and doing well with it! I did a 5K last month and was ready to die running for 6 minutes at a time so I'm getting better. I'm hoping that it helps with the weight losss challenge.So Far, I've lost half of what I'm supposed to and when I weighed in on Wednesday I was about 2 pounds away from being on ONE-DERLAND! I can't believe it! This has been my goal for so long! Sadly, It doesn't feel as exciting, earth shattering, MOMENT-HAVING that I thought it would be??? I guess I pictured I'd look better??? My issue is with my big belly. It needs to go! I'm thinking of doing another dietbet shortly after this one starts, this is really motivational!

We're also having a garage sale this weekend, we need the money so bad! So, for this weekend my hopes are to do well on my run and get the amount of money we are hoping for. I would also like to keep 20 weekly points , the weekends are my times when I tend to overeat and use my weekly points and if I want to win this thing I need to be stingy with those. We have two weeks!