Hey Community! 

The last time I participated in a dietbet, I thought it really was the. last. time. My weight loss had been stagnant even as I continued to see changes in my body composition, so I decided to stop trying to lose numbers on the scale and focus more on numbers on the barbell :)

Well, the holidays and their rich foods, indoor family time, and endless cookie platters delivered by neighbors have yet again made their mark on my waistline. I turn, yet again, to my wonderfully supportive dietbet family to help me regain my shape! I'm so glad that I have progressed my mindset to recognize that I need a little push from my friends (and wallet) to reach my weightloss goals. Two Christmases ago, I would've insisted that I'd get into shape on my own... somehow... that I'd surely start eating better and exercising more... someday... just after this last cookie/eggnog/holiday feast.

So here I am, dietbet! I'm ready to work hard, give it my best shot, and inspire other fitness junkies to drop the holiday pudge and start 2016 with healthy steps!