Help... need a new challenge. Fitness Warriors here I come!


01/31/2016 4:32AM
Caroline we will more than forgive you we will embrace you! For what you have described is essential to the Warrior Spirit! We "warrior on" through all sorts of challenges, always looking forward. We have kept the game at $10 (this is our 34th game, thus the name!) because we believe that people need to be in this for the long haul, that it is a journey not a sprint. That developing new healthy habits that you can sustain for life to manage your weight and your health and wellness are what really matters. So what does that mean? It means that what counts, what really counts is forward progress. And you have lost 8.2 pounds so far - yay you! You may not lose 4% every month, you may lose 2% or 3% or even maintain. So set a personal goal for yourself and if it isn't winning the bet, make sure you work just as hard to win at meeting your personal goals. I have seen people rejoice that they did not gain in a given month! So Caroline, think about what your personal goals are for this month, and GO GET IT!

caroline t., Martha, Ana and Biking Syl like this comment.

caroline t.

Thank you Marcie - for me 2% this would be amazing... So that's what I'll go for!

Games played


Weight lost

-12 lbs



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