I think the hardest part about losing weight is not the actual working out. It has always been fairly easy for me to work out. But for me its the days after. I live my days with an evil roomate named fibromyalgia and some days are harder then others. Some days its hard to get out of bed because pain racks my body and it just sucks to breath let alone do anything as complicated as working out. But so far my butt has been in motion and I am already starting to see progress. 

This morning was one of the mornings where everything hurt. I like to refer to them as my hit by a bus mornings because thats litteraly what it feels like. But I didn't let it stop me. I had big goals for today and I knew that tomorrow I was going to the fair and that was going to be my cheat day so today was my work out and work out hard. Well I did 45 minutes on my bike this morning along with 80 wall push-ups and another 17 minutes this afternoon on the bike. My legs feel like jelly but this was really a light day in one respect I didn't do weights today or yoga. Normaly I would ride about 30-45 minutes and do some crunches, wall pushups, curls and a tricep kickbacks. It really doesn't sound like much but for someone like me by the time I'm done the sweat is dripping down and I can barely breath and then I spend the next couple ours in a puddle on the couch. 

A week ago I wasn't here. A week ago I didn't work out, and my recumbant bike and weights just collected dust. Now I'm pushing myself becaues I have a goal and I want this. I figure if I can get through 1 month I can keep going after that and I want to reach my goal, so for now I will do this one month at a time. 

At the end of it I may win or I may lose but either way I've tried.