Plateaus and How You Can Overcome Them

Terri S.

04/08/2016 12:58PM
Needed this today - in a plateau and trying to dig myself out.....

Mark L.

I wrote about this because I was going through a pretty bad plateau. I would stick to my systems and habits that have helped me lose the first couple of pounds pretty quickly, but the last two weeks, my weight loss has been fluctuating a lot and I would lose a couple and gain more. I felt really mad at myself for the moment. But it's a good idea to step back from the scale and reassess your system and habits. Make small little tweaks like taking in more protein, drinking more water, or if your working out too much, to scale it back and workout only 3 times a week doing kettle bell swings. You don't have to take any of this advice of course, do your research and if you have questions ask someone of credibility to tell you how to get over plateaus. Good luck and have fun with your health journey because we'll see each other at the finish line.

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Weight lost

+4.4 lbs



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