Weight: 198.8


Goal : 192

My plan for a evening workout fell by the wayside. I try not to let this bother me but unplanned rest days do. I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I've always had this rule of no more than 2 days off in a row. I know this probably doesn't seem realistic for some but it works for me. Working out allows me to have time to focus on me. It allows me to release energy and tension and it makes me feel strong. I told myself when I first started to lose weight that I would think about most of the mistakes I have made in the past related to my health and go from there. I noticed a pattern with falling off the wagon with my workouts when I took too many days off. It became to easy to make excuses. After trial and error I settled on 2 days. If this meant I had to just walk on my street, so be it. I've kept this schedule now for almost 4 years and it's worked for me.

Breakfast was granola cereal. I had yogurt and fruit at 11am. Frustration set in at work. ( I work as a nurse manager). I could feel myself getting too hungry and trying to rationalize why I deserved McDonald's. I spent most of Sunday prepping my meals and have done well all week. I've brought all my lunches, snacks and breakfasts and ate only what was planned. I walked out of work and to my car and thought to myself "go get a hamburger". Immediately I thought " what the heck are you doing to yourself" I drove the extra mile and instead of a hamburger I had vegan couscous, chicken, and salad. I drank water. Even on the drive and while sitting to eat that voice is still there. " you still want a hamburger". Then I remembered. It always happens. Usually about the 3rd or 4th day. Reality sets in that I've stayed consistent and my brain attempts to derail every plan I made for myself. Not today.


Tonight my family had spaghetti. My spaghetti was made with spaghetti squash. This makes me smile. I remember my mom attempting to get me to try this for years. I never would try it, just flat out deciding I didn't like it. Tonight my daugther had it with me and decided she actually liked it better then spaghtetti noodles. Victory for mom!


I'm hoping the weekend doesn't bring haphazard eating and self sabotage. I'm hoping for consistency and will spend Sunday planning meals for the week.


I'd be a liar if I said the increase in lbs didnt scare me but I also know the likelihood of my weight bouncing around is very real because of all the water I am drinking.