Today was a good day!!! I drank plenty of fluids and wasn't tempted to go off track at all. At 2:00pm, I had a protein shake made with protein powder, water, strawberries, and blueberries, and it was DELICIOUS!!! I drank 24 oz. of it, & it kept me full the rest of the day. I had planned on having a delicious dinner (Tilapia and steamed veggies), but after eating some unsalted roasted peanuts (about 1 oz.), I wasn't interested in eating anything else. KITCHEN IS CLOSED!!! LOL!!! Tomorrow I'll eat a piece of Tilapia with some veggies for dinner tomorrow. No worries guys!!! I'm gonna eat more tomorrow. That protein shake really filled me up!!! :-)

I wasn't able to work out like I wanted to, but I'm going in the right direction. I'll see what goals in the exercise department I can complete tomorrow. :-)

DAY 1 COMPLETE!!! YAY ME!!! I feel good, and I'm determined to stay focused and DROP THIS WEIGHT LIKE IT'S HOT!!! WATCH MY SMOKE!!! :-)

Have a good night Everybody!!! :-)