On why DietBet and why now.


06/19/2016 3:14AM
Hi Shari! I can relate to your story. I have been on DietBet 3.5 years - lost the bulk of my weight the first 9 months and then I used DietBet (love the community aspect) to help me keep it off, especially when I spike up a little after vacations. I coach now as well. I have had similar experiences losing and gaining weight and having some physical challenges (joints mainly - had the frozen shoulder!). I gave away ALL of of my larger clothes when I grew out of them so there is no going back. If I go over my maintenance range just a few pounds, all I have is tight pants LOL. I hopped on your blog because you are such a wonderful source of support for everyone in the game and I wanted to read YOUR story. I am glad I did - you WILL lose the weight you want to and I am glad you found DietBet!

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Thank you Marcie. I am amazed at how common a frozen shoulder is in menopausal women; something I did not know until I became one. Meanwhile I am dedicated and excited to be here! I am glad I found DietBet as well.

Games played


Weight lost

-11.2 lbs



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