When I first heard about Dietbet I think my thought process was something like this:


1. Thats cool- you get money for losing weight.

2. I can lose 4%, espeically if not doing so would mean that I lose my money.

3. Actually, I don't really care about the money.

4. My health is what is really important to me.

5. I should be spending this money on my health anyway!


So I have decided that for the fee that I place when I enter a bet (plus whatever winnings I get, but I won't get too excited about this, because it could be minimal), I will buy myself a reward (health-related) and do one major athletic feat.

For example, with my $30 fee and winnings for my first diet bet I win---> I will enter a half marathon (that is my reward and feat).

Bet 2-> I will buy a pair of boxing gloves and go to a biweekly boxercise class at my gym for at least 2 months.

Bet 3--> I will buy a pair of cycling shoes for my spinning classes I already do and do one session where I cycle 60miles.

Bet 4--> I will buy a pair of nike wrap and go to a hot yoga class everyday for 20 days.


I plan on continuing on doing bets here until I reach my goal weight. I have calculated that that will be in about 12 bets time and by February if I win all my bets!


Good luck to everyone out there! I am here if you want to chat about anything.


Lets do this :)