Last year, there was an article in a magazine that stated that a person could lose up to 6 pounds in 24 hours by doing the Smoothie Fast (drinking a smoothie for breakfast, lunch, and dinner). I was sooo intrigued by it that I tried it. It worked really well too. I lost 5 pounds in a 24-hour period. I'm sure it was water weight, but I know my system was really clean when I started my own diet. This is what the diet entails:


1 scoop of Isopure Protein Powder (vanilla flavor) - bought it from The Vitamin Shoppe (no sugar/no carbs)

1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk (30 calories)

1/2 cup of unsweetened plain greek yogurt (Chobani or Oikos - 0% fat)

1/2 cup of fruit (add veggies if you want to)

4 ice cubes

Blend well.

You can also eat unlimited vegetables throughout the day. When I did it, I didn't eat additional veggies because I added 2 handfuls of kale or spinach to my smoothie, and between drinking plenty of water & herbal teas, I was full. My other DB family members in my challenge did it too & got great results too. It's a 24-hour fast, but some people did it for 3 days.

Today I decided to do it, & so far, I feel good. The smoothies taste sooo good that I plan to have one for lunch on a daily basis. I'll report my weight loss results tomorrow. Good luck in your challenge Everybody!!! :-)


UPDATE: I completed the Smoothie Fast, & I lost 3 pounds!!! WOOHOO!!! That's great motivation to keep me on track!!! Now, I'm ready to eat real food!!! I'm ready to chew on something!!! LOL!!!