So here's my deal:


10/30/2016 5:42PM
Hi Cath - I feel for you. I have major depression and was suffering for about a year and a half until I changed my medication. I've had depression for 20 years and I was on my last medication for probably 14 years, although I don't think it was working properly for the last 4. Confirmed the last year and a half. Changing my medication in late spring/early summer this year made me feel incredible but it also caused an increase in my drinking - I know it sounds weird but I was craving alcohol and yadda yadda yadda, more food and alcohol and I gained 20 pounds over the summer. So I was thinner and depressed and now I'm happier and fat. Well me being fat doesn't make me happy at all and I'm not okay with it. Having physical and mental aliments are definitely obstacles in the weight loss journey but it can be done. Luckily most of weight loss comes from diet so controlling what you put on your plate is more important than exercise. Once you lose some of the weight maybe your foot will feel better and you can increase your exercising? In the meantime focus on building your biceps, chest, triceps and abs, focus on your food and water intake and think positive. Good luck on your Dietbet people are rooting for you. :)

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