Good Morning My Beautiful DietBetter Family!!!

I really like that pic I chose today: "I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday." That's such a true statement!!! :-)

Sometimes when we fall off track, we beat ourselves up when we shouldn't. From time to time, we're gonna slip and fall off track; that's just LIFE!!! It could be because of planned events or stressful situations, but whatever the reason is, it's very important that you NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!! We have to own up to it, forgive ourselves, pick ourselves right back up, and re-focus on making healthier food choices from that point on. 

Before I joined DietBet, whenever I went off track, it would takes WEEKS (SOMETIMES MONTHS) before I was mentally ready to get back on the wagon again. Since DietBet, I've learned how to bounce back like a rubberband after I've indulged in my favorite foods, and now I enjoy what I eat without any regrets. Instead of eating my favorites because I see it, I plan it. I call it a "treat" day or meal, depending on what I want to do on that particular day. I don't do it often. I usually plan to indulge at least once or twice every month; that way, I can stay focused on eating clean, and I'll have something to look forward to. :-) 

Whenever you decide to go off track, always remember not to be hard on yourself and to do it WITHOUT ANY REGRETS!!! Get right back on track afterwards.

Nobody said that our weight loss journey would be easy, but with persistence, consistency, and determination, we all will reap the benefits of all of our hard work!!! We can do it!!! :-)