Let's be positive : I look great!

Not lying, I am tried my best to walk on my treadmill at least once a week, have random yoga sessions, and yesterday I have decided to use my rodeo king again (My thighs were hurting me like crazy).

I am not as active as before my pregnancy, but I am also caring for Minime and taking her somewhere everyday.

Since my heaviest weight this year I have lost 4kg2 and it shows!

I am still overweight of course, but at least I am not eating my feelings away.

I have one big problem though.

What I have predicted has happened.

My weight dropped dramatically and now has stop moving.

This week despite being a good girl, and looking fitter the scale has not move.

Next week will be the end of the bet ( already?!!!) and I am at my goal weight but really at it.

If the terrible C start it might go up and I will lose the bet.

The pressure I am feeling right now is affecting my positivity.

If wednesday the scale has not moved I will have to look at what I am eating more closely.

My muscle are sore though, so i will not be able to exercize more.

I hope everyone win their bet (me included haha!)