Okay, it's come to the point where I'm at the highest weight I've ever been in my whole life.

I don't like this. I don't like how my tummy juts out when I sit down. I don't like them double chins. I don't like the way I feel - so lethargic and weighed down by my food choices too. I haven't felt 'light' in a long time - physically, and mentally.

It's been a tough couple of months. The modules that I've been on have been quite tough on me emotionally, and my binge eating is a problem. I just eat all my stress away, and boy, I've had a ton of stress. My face is completely full of acne now. I just think that cutting down on food is the toughest thing on earth because it's not like I can completely quit, you know?

But whatever. Onwards.

I love Jordo, which was why I was so glad that she had a DietBet. I even waited a week for hers to start so I could join hers :D. She's such an inspiration and I don't want to let her down, which is why I'm really positive that I'll be able to win this DietBet this time. I know I've lost a ton in the past but I'm confident that I can finish this time. They say if your weight is higher, it's easier to lose it at the beginning, right?

I'm going to start exercising now too. The weather's gotten cooler so I'm more willing to venture out in this subtropical climate (of this concrete jungle). I've already roped my parents to go hiking with me today, so I'm hoping that it'll be a good start. I've also started calorie counting on MyFitnessPal.