Does anyone have in-depth info on erythritol/sugar cravings ?
I've done keto successfully on & off (I jump off a few times a month against advice) for more than a month w fantastic results.

My fat weakness is sugar addiction; so I was getting away from that last month by not having the equipment needed to make keto desserts. [Except I'd have all the sugar I wanted on days when I jumped off & ate 'normally'] I did keto-omad & just ignored stomach pangs at lunch time (which feel like no big deal now), & enjoyed the benefits.

I was jones-ing for sugar yesterday morning, ate 2 of these keto cheesecake squares with my big fatty breakfast, got too full couldn't finish, but then had no carb, sugar or hunger pangs the entire day, & I could have eaten more of these around dinner time-it would have been fine-but I was not hungry still, & I DID NOT FEEL THE NEED FOR THE SWEETNESS!!!

ever since eating these (picture), I have been in a foreign state of comfortable peace... I am alert, have as much energy as I need, I am productive, & I am not in any way uncomfortable or even hungry.
I ate it, but I think I didn't need my small (keto) lunch today. I am VERY curious how long it would take the hunger pangs to return on their own....

I've been concerned that the sweeteners would perpetuate my sugar cravings & keep me addicted even through hormonal correction through keto.. that's what I've read & it makes sense. I figured I'd use erythritol, stevia, swerve etc  as tools that are FAR less addicting than actual sugar, & deal with that crutch when I got to the bottom of the goal weight ladder..
but this feels like.. the opposite.

Is this what it's like to eat an oreo & not feel like you have to eat the rest of the row because they taste so amazing & you must have more? Just 1 or 2, enjoy it, then you're done & you've HAD ENOUGH ???????

I am jumping off keto this weekend as a friend is in town for my bf, & I'm not going to monitor what I eat while hes here. I usually take this time to plan what I want to eat starting Friday as I'll let myself have junk, & I want to get in the things I've been missing,-like port of subs-but I'm not excited now. I guess the donut & sugary coffee from Maverik taste great, but they're not interesting enough to actually schedule out & wake up earlier for... I am looking forward to sushi though.

Is this because of the erythritol???  I haven't had real sugar in my body since saturday, but I did that last month & stilll got hunger pangs at lunch time & excited for carb/junk days...
Does anyone know what else this could be ?
WTF does this magical shit do to us ??!