As of this morning I'm still 3.8 pounds from my 4% goal weight for this game, I'm trying hard to get those last pounds off the next 5 days, but if I don't make it - I'm OK with that. I decided to wear my fat jeans this morning. They are a size 16 long and very loose/comfortable.

I lost 60 pounds in 2004. I've never gained it all back, but I did come close once. Over the past 10 years I've learned A LOT about my body. I've accepted that I'm never going to be a size 10 or smaller. Sure there are times when I think I'd be happier if I was...but then I come back to reality and remember where I have been - a size 20 and I'm NEVER going back there again! So I wear my size 14 jeans proudly (I even have a pair of size 12s that I wear on my "skinny" days). I have about 10 pounds that I would like to lose but I also feel the need to just BE HAPPY that I'm not 220 pounds anymore.

I need to count my family and friends are my life. I'm a grandma! I love that I'm able to get down on the floor and play with our 9 month old granddaughter. I RUN!! Never would I have believed 10 years ago that I would be running 5Ks and 10Ks with plans on training for a half marathon this winter! I have a husband who tells me I'm beautiful everyday - I'm so lucky! I need to remember that I'm not getting any younger and I need to ENJOY my life, right here, right now!

My biggest hurdle...I LOVE FOOD!! I love to cook, trying new recipes, going out for dinner and ice cream! But now that I know my body, I can eat food within reason as long as I exercise and drink water!

This is my first dietbet and it's been a blast and I love having the support! Will I do it again? Yeah, probably when I'm having one of those days of...I need to be skinnier. Then reality will hit again, I'll put on my fat jeans and smile remembering where I used to be!

I wish the BEST to everyone that is trying to lose weight and get healthier! I'm your biggest cheerleader!!