I know everybody is different and we all change our eating habits based on mood, feelings, stress, and circumstances. It seems as if more people eat during stress, feeling alone, upset, and more of a negative tie to eating. Possibly, to feel better or comfort themself from certain feelings or emotion. For myself I am noticing that I eat better and am more disciplined to shed pounds when I have these negative feelings, or when I want to make things better. I attempt to create change in my circumstances by controlling my eating and weight. However, when I am comfortable, happy, giddy, I want to eat and eat things that aren't as disciplined. Oh, I got a raise. Let's order pizza for dinner. The guy Im dating gives me butterflies, and I'm feeling accepted so I should have that 9,000 calorie Starbucks drink. 

After consuming these sinful things and sinful amounts of them I feel bad about myself. I get kind of sad. Any issue that arises I tie into it being because Im overweight then I kick into disciplined mode. I get my weight down and habits in control and then good things start to happen again and I start that cycle over. How do I stay disciplined continuously? How do I not get lackadaisical about what, when, and how much I consume? How do I disassociate these things with being happy? I pray for revelation of these things in helping me find solutions.

I know after waking up in the morning and weighing I see the scale go down, and I feel like a conqueror. How do I express my happiness in a constructive way to just keep achieving? These are the things I will be meditating on in the next several days.