So, I hadn't been checking DB for several days. I honestly was considering throwing in the towel because I've been losing a lot of money. I lost three $100 dietbets in a row and two smaller ones. Plus both of the first two rounds on my Transformer and the third round weigh in comes up in four days. Pretty discouraging, right? Especially discouraging to me since I'm on a medically monitored weight loss program and should have hit my final goal several weeks ago rather than simply maintaining.

However, yesterday I had my meeting with the nurse practitioner for the month. She was excited for me because while I was discouraged and ready to give up (my self-control has been non-existent) I had still lost four pounds in the four weeks since I'd had my last appointment. She is an amazing cheerleader and I feel better today than I have for quite a while.  Like she said "at least I'm losing not gaining". So, back on Diet Bet I am and I have four days to lose 5.2 pounds for this round. I might not make it, but I'm going to work damn hard to get as close as possible!  And I'm going to sign up for another DB4 while I'm at it!