Trying to get MY life back...ASAP


10/15/2014 3:08PM
Hi Rose! I added you as a friend on here. Not sure how this site works but I saw your post earlier asking Jillian for help as you are having trouble getting focused. Then I read your blog post as well. I am struggling right now myself but I have been on my weight loss journey for 2 years. I have lost 70 pounds. I went from being inactive and avoiding everything because it was just too hard to walking and now running. I may be a slow runner but I can run 3-5 miles. I've only done the 5 miles once, just over a month ago actually. But I've been in 3 5K races this year. I only started running this past April with the C25K app. I LOVED it!! By the end of May I was running 20-30 minutes straight. I LOVED running!! Then in June I set a goal to run every day. I used to walk on my "off" days. But because I LOVED how running made me feel I chose to just run only a mile on those days. I ran every day from 6/1 to 7/8. Then I went on a mission trip to Haiti for 10 days...

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