I lost track for a while and almost went back to where I started..but I realized this and instead of continuing on that path I again changed directions toward the healthier me.  I knew I wasnt doing good with my challenge but my weigh in yesterday took it into perspective.  My fellow DBs gave me some great motivation in their comments and I decided to make my goal yesterday just to keep track of my calories and stay within my limit for the day.  Small goals are better for me to attain.  So thiss morning I had to weigh in and I know I just lost some water weight that I put on with eating unhealthy but it is a great motivater when you are feeling bad about weight loss when you see the scale move!  So I am back to where I needed to be which is on track to winning this DietBet!!  So again my small goal for today is to track my calories and stay within my limit.  And I am adding one more small goal which is to complete a Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workout! 

Yay me!