So last ditch effort to get all of my steps in plus some strength in before midnight(this is when my vivofit automaticaly resets). Of course it is Saturday night and netflix just added Catching Fire to streaming video. What's a girl to do??? I could sit on the couch, scroll through pinterest (like my sister), or for as long as it takes I can run around the living room, use my tension band and make my goal.

I went with the last option. At the start of the movie I had 5,000 steps to go before I hit my step goal. An hour and half into the movie I met my goal and had done several leg exercises as well as arm exercises with tension bands.

Normally this would not happen. I mean who wouldn't love to just hang out on the couch and watch some Hunger Games on a Saturday. I know I had moments where I was like why the hell am I doing this. But then I thought I want to meet my goal, win my bet, and become smokin' hot(I am already hot just need the smokin' part, hahah joking).

Tonight I chose to watch the Hunger Games actively and I kept it moving.