why I probably won't do another DB again

Buffy R.

10/29/2014 11:00AM
That is unfortunate, Magdusia. I hope you change your mind. Perhaps you could be a positive influence on Dietbet. I did find lots of folks had interesting thoughts on losing weight, some not so healthy. I just chose not to involve myself there. But there were a handful of really nice supportive ones with healthy attitudes. I would love to hear more about how to get adequate protein on a vegan diet. I was once a vegetarian, and not a healthy one. I started to get sick. there are many misconceptions about vegetarianism or veganism that, maybe, you could help people with. The fact that you have weight loss success with a vegan diet is one way to sway opinions on the topic and influence change. I hope you will change your mind! Good luck with your healthy journey!
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part two since it's limiting me..

I really think dairy is harmful to the body. And meat isn't bad if eaten in small quantities (i know that's not the case with Paleo). I know people who cured themselves from cancer by going vegan (avoiding processed food). We all have cancer cells and dairy is the main food that feeds these cancer cells. I would highly recommend reading "china study" book.

Regarding protein, I have never substituted and my levels are fine. Probably because i eat a lot and every food (including fruit) has protein in them. Most americans have too much protein but they don't know it. As long as you are eating enough calories and aren't starving yourself, it is impossible to not get enough protein.

Kim D

I have the book "China Study" and with a neighbor that owns an ice cream parlor, whose wife has MS, and coming from a family with a history of colon cancer on both sides, I definitely get it. I've dabbled with some vegetarian recipes, and have had issues with dairy since high school, but it may take a bigger catalyst to convert our household. I'd hate to say that it may take a major life altering diagnosis, but that may be the case.

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-11.5 lbs



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