Why a "Gain" is NOT Always a Real Gain: Weighing After "Cheat Days"


11/09/2014 6:50AM
Thanks for sharing.....
I think we are all guilty of "the scale" ...at one time or another.
I personally only get on it once a week ;)

There are so many non scale victories..... That I think we sometimes forget because we are so focused on the # of the scale.

I'm happy to hear you aren't doing just that. ;)

There are going to be days we eat things we know we shouldn't, or too much of things that aren't exactly bad..... It's just life.
As long as we get right back on track to our goals ;))))
Life is good. ;))
& your attitude tells me your gonna make that goal ;))

Jen, Adrienne and adrienne121 like this comment.


Well said Chrissy!!! :-)

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-2 lbs



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