So I had a big "Aha" moment today with setting workout goals for myself.  I decided I was going to "try" and workout 2 times per day for 5 days in a row this week with Thanksgiving coming (so I stay on track losing weight).  

Ok, that sounds good, but then I thought if I say I'm just going to "try" and do it I'm really setting myself up failure by being so wishy-washy and not committed.  That was the old thinking that I need to get out of my head.

I either choose to DO or DON"T DO IT - there is NO TRY!!
Yes, similar words from the ever wise 4 ft-tall Yoda.

So true--This challenge is totally doable, but it will happen because I decided NOW that I WILL do it (not at some later point in the day) that I would "try".  I either committ 100% to the promise I made myself and just MAKE IT HAPPEN or make excuses!  Wow, why did that take so long for me to figure out?

As of this moment I'm going to not say I'll "try" and do something anymore.  This applies to all areas of my life--my fitness goals, healthy eating, career, everything!  Just saying the word "try" opens the door for uncertanty and making bad decisions that will stop me from reaching my goals.