This month I am trying hard to change the game for me. I lost a lot of weight during the spring and summer, and since I haven't been that "engaged" to the weight loss journey. I think I actually fell in the "I have done good and I feel better, so why bother" pit. That was followed by being on sick leave because of an inflammanation in my shoulder, and I started to feel a bit sorry for my self. I am still on partial sick leave, and I still can't use my shoulder as before. I started thinking that I have done so good, and this is what I get, so I deserve to "give a damn" for a while.

The problem is that I still don't feel great. I still can't fit into the clothing I want to. I still feel that I drag to much weight around. And I don't feel happy. I am an emotional eater, making me eat even more when feeling like this. So I have finally decided that I need to change. I need to become happy!

I can't keep focusing on the food, even though I love food. Lately I haven't been able to really enjoy food, because I keep thinking that I don't eat the food I really want, I just eat whatever I got, because I feel to down to actually make the food I want. So, what am I going to do you think?

Here is my plan;

I'm going to get happier!

Sounds simple, but really hard..right?

The plan is this;

  1. I am taking a Berkley course online, called "The Science of Happiness". I hope that will give me some more insight.
  2. I will do what I already know makes me happy; being with friends, enjoy nature, taking pictures, keeping it clean around me, do some travelling, keeping busy.
  3. I will do my exercises for my shoulder, and do my modification of a 30-day full body challenge.
  4. I will focus on one thing only when it comes to nutrition; getting enough water. I know my nutrition choices aren't that bad when I am not bored or feeling down, so by keeping my focus on not being in a bad mood it should be ok. 

Does this sound like a good plan?