What would you rather lose fat or weight?  For this week, I am taking Fat.  I might lose the bet, but I am really the winner in the end.  The more muscle I make, the more Fat I can burn.  I use to be an athlete.  I was one the fastest girls in high school.  I played basketball.  I played a lot of tag against boys growing up.  My body remembers that former athletic self.

 I lay in bed at night, I find my husband poking me.  He likes feeling how much my body has changed.  Today I don't know where this journey will take in the end.  I have dreams of running a 5k with ease. All I know is I have 15.6 pounds of fat lost in three months, I never want to see again.  I will take 15.6 pounds of Fat over 12.2 pounds of weight I have lost with Dietbet.  I wll take the amazement of my husband of how much my body has changed in seven months with Fitbit.

 I hate seeing people who take easy way out with the lap ban surgery. Their bodies are so muscleless. I know they might have had no other choice, but at some point your body needs exercise.  I think you learn more about yourself with the diet and exercise route. It is not a journey of the mind or body, but the soul also. I feel closer to God walking in the woods with my dog Jake. I hope you find your true self in your journey.  Yeah, today I will take the Fat.