Good morning fellow dietbetters! DBs? Maybe that would be a fun name to call us? I hope you all had a great weekend - mine was jam-packed in the best way. I went home, saw some family, got a lovely Christmas gift from my dad, and did a lot of baking! I also got to hang out with my best friend and try out a new winery (to me) that had some really delicious options for the uneducated (hem hem) wine drinker.

Of course, that meant that I drank a whole bottle of red wine yesterday... Not a fine moment nutritionally, especially with the hot dog and Chinese food that followed (I won't even go into detail about the baked goods sampling that went on)... but it was certainly delicious!

On the bright side, I went for a short run Saturday morning with my parents' dog. He doesn't really get to run and he is a big boy (think 100-pound dog) with lots of energy, so he needs it. It was a blast and certainly made my breakfast (crab, brie, spinach and egg empanadas) even more scrumptious.

One of my favorite parts of the weekend was getting to see my great aunt, who is 95 now! I can only hope to live to be her age, and with her mobility, sense of humor, and tales of a life well lived. She mused on how she is the last one left of her siblings and didn't know how or why she was still here. Then she explained how she "did the fitness" for 12 years in her youth, exercising for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, and that's what her and her doctor attribute to her age and wellness.

This woman was incredible. I hope I get to see her when I go home for Christmas, as I want to bring a video recorder and get to ask her all the questions I forgot to ask her sister, my grandma, before she passed four years ago. She told us about some of her trips and travels around the world, including the seeing the pyramids in Egypt, two months traveling around the United States, and walking on the Great Wall of China. She said she doesn't love the home she is in, but doesn't regret not saving more money and being able to travel extensively for 20 years of her life. I really aspire to live like her, and that includes the traveling, maintaining her sense of humor, and "the fitness," as she so eloquently put it.

I'm going to the gym tonight, I think. Maybe I'll even brave asking for a trainer to show me the ropes on all those intimidating strength-training machines.

Today's meals: an Honest tea, banana, and carnation breakfast drink for my first meal; I'm sorry to say (ok, mostly sorry) that lunch is leftover Chinese, and dinner will likely be a salad as I have some veggies to use up. Maybe I'll skip the red wine after dinner, though. Maybe.

I hope to continue to write on here regularly (aka when I work Monday - Friday) but I am not claiming to have a "New Year's Resolution." While I love the inspiration that comes with the start of a new year (and holy crap - when did 2015 start approaching?), I think it just kind of sets me up for failure. If I slip up or eat my favorite foods (hello pretzels and Asian-inspired anything) I feel like I have effed up the whole year. So my goal is day-by-day, meal by meal.

TODAY I will make a healthy choice. THIS MEAL I will eat a little better. And if I am not perfect, hey, there will certainly be another meal, another day.

What is your biggest challenge in getting fit and healthy?