Still here.


01/01/2015 11:51AM
Follow your instincts. You just made an excellent list of trial and error and what you really enjoyed doing. If walk away the pounds is your "soul mate workout" then invest in every publication of it. Adjust your thinking too. Diets are temporary and not meant to be livable solutions, lifestyle changes are real and for the long haul. Make small changes, one at a time so nothing is too impossible or overwhelming. Track your measurements even if you're afraid of the numbers. Scales "lie" some days - the weight number may not move, but your measurements likely will have (I learned that one myself this morning). A friend shed some light on carb/junk binges that I've never been able to figure out before. If carb consumption is too high or too low for your body's needs, you'll crave carbs and junk to the point if potential binges. Last of all, you can do this. I know you can. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Cindy likes this comment.


That just about made me cry. You are right. You are always right.


:) weight watchers also now offers personal coaching.

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