Setting my self up for the week with my meals has made a WOW difference. I've always heard professionals talk about it, I've read it, my trainers have always told me to do it but, I never wanted it as bad as I do now so I listened politley and went about my bad eating ways. 

Not eating has always been my issue and then when I do eat my choices have never been ones that support the otherwise healthy living I was attempting to do. (I could kick my self and the butt for all the waisted hours of hard workouts I sabotaged with poor eating habits) I'm someone who love to exercise, I love feeling strong and having muscle. It's shocking to some why then I never put to much thought into eating right....well one can come up with a thousnand excuses and I did...

"I'm to tired"

"I have to much on my plate to plan my plate"

"I'll just exercise more"

"It's to late"

"I don't have enough time in the day to be bothered with making meals for a week"

ect ect ect...I've used them all. 

So here I am at 51 doing the same thing I've always done...what's that saying? The meaning of insainity....doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. 

I ran Tough Mudder last year (excuse me WALKED) expecting to run...I was shocked that I was able to particiapate in all the obsticles being 200lbs but I did it. My goal this year is all about what goes into my mouth and holding myself accountable. So...Long story short....I planned out my meals this past weekend cooked them up on Saturday and SHOCKER I ate when I was surpose to and Hydtated myself often....WoW it really does make a difference....DAH! Guess you can teach and OLD dog new tricks....

Years of Broken promises to myself stops in 2015...Getting it done and it feels so impowering!