... I just pushed through to the other side of everything without turning to food?

One of the biggest realizations I am facing is that food will always be there. Will my health, overall well-being and youth be? No, absolutely not. So which is more important to protect? The answer seems obvious yet for some reason it's so easy to fall back to old, bad habits.

Figuring out what the triggers are and what reward you are seeking is important in changing habits. Is food really the reward, or is eating simply the action preformed to get to the reward? Ie, the reward is to be distracted from something going on, kill time, etc etc. And in what way can the action be different than eating to gain the same reward?

My goal this next week is to be mindful of what my triggers are that would usually have me reaching for food and replace that step with something non food related and see how I come out on the other side.

In health and protecting what's important ...