Stress Eating


01/20/2015 6:27AM
Everyone is gonna have days where they slip a little, but you climbed back up, said no to ice cream and shared your struggle. That's progress. I definitely use food to "treat" myself as well. I've used it as a reward when I've done something good and as comfort when something bad has happened. I need to find something to replace that with, something that will give me the same feel good vibes, without sabotaging my diet. I know for everyone it's going to be something different, find something small and personal that will give you a boost. I know it might sound silly, but for me, instead of going out for an ice cream, or McDonalds (which are two of my favorite treats EVER) this week I'll let myself pick out a pretty nail polish to buy. For others it might be letting themselves play a video game for an hour, going to a movie, or buying a new book. Whatever it is, find your thing(s) that can replace the comfort and joy of indulging in not-so-great for you food.

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J House Vlogs

Thanks for sharing - it's good to know others are going through the same struggle!

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