I've been on a journey studying for my MBA (while also working Full Time).  I'm almost at the end of the 18 month effort (its accellerated).  Its a challenge with a 5 year old around and no family in the area.  My wife and I keep busy.  Today is Sunday, and through a combination of procrastination, and just general timing - today is the day I hunker down and get at my homework.  It ranges for 3-6 hours typically. 

How does this relate to weight loss?  Well, its just a reminder that to achieve great things takes hard work and dedication.  14 months ago when I started on my MBA, I knew the journey was going to be difficult, but I sucked it up and did it anyways.  Good things lie ahead I'm sure.  All of us here on DietBet have made similiar goals for ourselves.  I think just as my wife and I have agreed on the importance of my MBA, and her support to give me the freedom to do the work to get it done, I think we also need to have our partners support us in our journey to weight loss and health.  Its going to be a much harder road to travel if your partner isn't supportive. 

I hope all of you have the support of your family, and are keeping focused on the long term success!  Good luck and keep going!