It rained in southern California last night. That really confuses the heck out of people. So, my normal weekly drive out of LA that takes forever took forever and a half.  I find that the first part of the drive… just getting out of the city where it takes about an hour to move 3 miles, is the hardest for me to deal with.  I tend to bring some candy or something sweet to distract myself during that part of the drive. Yesterday I just had some dried fruit for the sweet, and then munched on carrots and celery sticks. It worked really well and my incredibly boring/stressful drive was less awful than normal. I even felt much less tense when I got home than I’m used to. That was a nice healthy small victory for me that is worth sharing in a blog. I’m also very behind on my daily blogs due to my travels and LA traffic the last few days; I wanted to catch up a bit! 

So, it’s the last week. I’m still on the fence as to if I will make it to my goal weight. I haven’t weighed myself since last week. By Friday was at a point where I had a ways to go, but I knew I had some extra water weight on me due to lovely biology, so it was completely possibly to make my goal still. I wanted to give my body time to balance out after the weekend before getting on the scale and I’ve been a very healthy kid the past couple days, so I’m staying optimistic. Regardless I have definitely lost weight this month and I’m very proud of myself! I am excited about starting a new diet bet next month that I WILL win and I’m so happy and grateful that I feel that I’m finally in a stable enough place after these rough few years to truly get myself back on track and back in shape.  I wish everyone else out there the best!