Today is the last day of my business trip - I fly home this evening.  I feel reasonably good about my success regarding making good food choices, there were some bumps in the road, but I didn't totally mess up or anything. Its been interesting eating a little bit less (and definately more healthy) than I used to...I believe actually that I can reduce my portion sizes further and not be hungry, especially if I have some healthy snack available incase I get hungry between meals. 

I seem to have some underlying "fear" of feeling hungry.  I have no reason to have such fear...its not like I'm on an island, and need to hunt for my food!  Food is plentiful and almost always available. 

I feel hungry this morning, which I realize is a pretty rare sensation for me.  Clearly it would be a problem if I constantly were hungry, but I believe its also a problem that I very rarely feel hungry.  I feel like I have such a history of eating too much food that the true sensation of hunger is quite foreign to me.  Part of my journey I think is to reacquint myself with hunger - not in a crazy unhealthy way, just in a rational way and being more aware of my own body. 

Let me be REALLY clear - I'm not promoting the idea of constant hunger pain or constant under-eating - I know that would be a disaster.  But I'm saying, hunger is a natural feeling - its your body telling you its time to eat.  If I never feel that feeling, I'm possibly eating too much, even when my body doesn't actually need food.  I'm eating because of habit or stress or some other reason.  I think a more healthy balance is to listen to my body more, and perhaps as I get more aware of myself, I can learn the feeling of "almost" being hungry, and eat at THAT moment so I don't feel real hunger.  But for now, I want to get familar with the feeling again.

I also decided to open up my actual weight in my diet bet profile.  So my weight is now visible to all of you. Yes, I started this bet at 250 lbs.  I figure with this blog, I don't really have much to hide, so I'll put myself out there and hold myself accountable.

Thanks to all of you for your comments and support.  I enjoy reading other blogs on here (Kaya - yours is great), so I hope something I write will help others too.

Its been a super busy trip, and today will be especially challenging.  I look forward to getting home tonight.  Have a great day all!