What I have noticed, is when people stop caring, the people around us stop caring.

 Theres a chain reaction when someone gives up on something or stops caring. It doesn't only effect that one person but seems to be a chain reaction that effects everything in that persons life including the people around them.

 I do have to say I have been feeling this way. I feel shut out, disregarded or not mattered in several areas of my life. I am trying to take control but I feel I have given up. I am sick of the stress, I don't need this in my life. As soon as I try to better myself I get knocked down and this week has been pushing me but I kept getting back up,but last night was the straw, I was blown back and knocked down and still on the ground, giving up. This is where I usually fail. in dieting. something like this happens and I start emotionally eating.

  Last night I tried to exercise and only got 2 miles on the elliptical I was so upset. After I put my son to bed I drowned myself in my covers and read a book until I was to tired to read any more.  I stayed away from the kitchen because I knew I was so heart broken I would have ate everything in my pantry last night. This morning I took the dog for a mile walk and was conteplating a huge change in my life to get rid of everything and start over . I think sometimes we think of doing this, forgetting about the things we currently, and have to try to full fill the need of what we really need.  So today I am taking a break from working out  to figure out what changes I need to make or If i just need time to bounce back up. I cant take too much time as I have my trainer tomorrow. But today if i work out it will not be productive, I am planning however to stay away from food unless its in my plan for today. I cant lose this now. I am stronger than that.