So the ab-challenge is finally becoming PAINFUL. Yes I have been sore before, but now all I can think is OUCH!!! I think I might take a day off tomorrow from the challenge but keep going with the treadmill. Last night the abs were 85 situps, 120 crunches, 50 leg raises, and 10 pushups. I also jumped on the treadmill for an hour. My abs HURT so bad this morning. I hear all of the time, "Yeah, it's a good burn." UM, NO NO IT ISN'T. LOL LOL This pain makes me NEVER to want to be this big EVER again. I am doing the ab-challenge again today and the treadmill. I want to keep pushing because this pain is INSANE. No I don't think I tore or pulled anything, I am just a big girl finally working some muscles into the equation. 

Yes the only feeling I have right now is OUCH, but I am going to keep going.

What are you doing for exercise? I am almost done with the ab-challenge I have 7 days left and I am looking for another workout to go along with the treadmill. Please feel free to share. :D I plan on doing insanity after the dietbet is over. So for between the two I would like to do something else.