So, I was feeling blue yesterday because the scale is telling me I gained 3 pounds since I officially weighed in on Tuesday! I don’t believe it because I’ve been very good this week and gaining 3 pounds in a week would mean an awful lot of extra eating that did NOT happen. (Oh, and the battery on the scale died today so perhaps it was telling me silly lies) Yesterday I didn’t know the scale was breaking and was feeling very discouraged, which is common and I hope it just GET OVER that darn frustration very soon. I’ve done well this last month and I need to remember that for goodness sake! 

Anyway, I sat around feeling blue for a while then finally got motivated to do my Shaun T workout. I love Shaun T. I got ready and went to pet my cat in the window for a minute before starting, turned away from the window, and felt so dizzy I thought I was going to pass out. Ack!  I have been eating about 1600 calories a day, so I know I wasn’t just starving myself or anything, but I thought perhaps my blood sugar was low… or I needed iron… or B12. I recently went full vegan and I know I need to pay attention to iron and B12. So I had a shakeology and an iron pill. After an hour I still felt kind of off so I had a bit of hummus and pita and a B12 pill. Finally I started to feel ok, but by then it was time to make dinner and the workout ship had sailed.

I’ve been a vegetarian for over a decade and basically vegan for much of that (but I used to eat cheese when I’d go out etcetera, so even when I was a very strict, good vegetarian I never ever claimed to be vegan) So I thought I knew what I was doing with the whole nutrition thing. This morning I was still worried about what I might be doing wrong to cause dizziness. I FINALLY realized that I used to eat Bran Buds every single morning. I would just mix in a little bit with whatever cereal or oatmeal I had. Bran Buds are fortified with both iron and B12. I stopped eating them last year when I tried to cut out refined sugars for a month. That really might be that little missing piece of the puzzle. It was probably filling in those nutritional holes for me over the last decade and since the 1st of this year when I went vegan I finally started to miss either iron or B12 enough to feel light headed now. I do eat nutritional yeast and mushrooms, which give me B12, but probably just not enough. Maybe all this is wrong though, I could have just been having a weird moment or it was something else entirely. I do like that I realized this though; it’s important to me to pay attention to my nutritional needs and to be a “good vegan”. I feel good now, not more lightheaded dizziness at all.  I’m also feeling optimistic again that I can succeed after feeling so frustrated yesterday. I even splurged when I was on Amazon ordering a new battery for my scale and bought a Jawbone Up this morning. I’m excited again and looking forward to seeing my body change! 

I want others out there to know about my bad days and road bumps on this journey just incase anyone can relate. It’s always good to have some company. :-) We can do this!