Many years ago, I went through a brutal divorce.  It was unnecessarily harsh, and absurdly expensive.  I was close to bankrupt, but as my lawyer used to remind me, even the most brutal times in our lives usually come to an end.  And it did.

As the fog of war lifted, I found myself in a massive pile of debt.  I'm still digging out, and - God willing - I'll probably be free of it in the next 3 or 4 years.  Such a waste.  But I digress.

Another form of debt appears in my work.  I work in information technology, and I have teams that write a lot of software code.  Sometimes, we need to take shortcuts to "get the job done", and we always imagine that "we'll fix it and make it perfect later".  These shortcuts in the IT industry are called "Technical Debt" - its like taking a loan now for a short term gain, but over time it can become problematic (say, the code is harder to support/maintain), so it should be "paid back" (by cleaning up the code and making it more supportable, etc). 

So far I've described personal financial debt, and technical debt. 

Perhaps there is a third type of debt: something called "health debt" or "weight-gain as debt".  It often feels good to eat junk, and to be lazy.  Being a couch potato is fun for a while.  But make no mistake, it too is a form of debt.  You are going to pay for it, one way or another.

So as I pay off my financial debt at home, and my technical debt at work, my dietbet graph also shows me paying off my "health debt".  I may owe a lot of debt in some of these areas, but at this point, I'm digging out and moving in the right direction with all of them.

How's your debt repayment going?