It would be very funny for me to run out of things to say because I'm a talker and not so much a bullshitter or a know it all, I just enjoy conversing with people, mostly bantering especially when the subject is a bit of a what if because often times I can hear differing points of view and that can be pretty cool!

I find it interesting though how people can be heavily influenced, especially by their significant others. I'm sure you've seen and heard me mention my husband's point of view a few times. Well I was browsing on Facebook a couple days ago and spotted a post by a dear friend who I have known since the age of 4. He got married pretty young to an older very controlling woman and needless to say, it didn't last long so a couple kids later he found himself as a divorcee.

The past couple years for him have been somewhat desperate to find the right person. He finally met a very much younger woman, fell madly in love and they just got married. Well where this is going is he was always a Christian but now has turned to Atheism because that is his new bride's faith. And fair enough, whatever works for them, it just didn't seem like him though, the way I had always known him to be, to see him trashing God on Facebook in the name of being an atheist. The thought that went through my mind was that, wow, we really can take on other's traits in a way that doesn't even make us realize it and this can be a good or bad thing, but whichever way it is , the more important point is: are we being true to ourselves? Are these views that we are taking on via osmosis true to who we are and where we hope to get to?

What potentially limiting views could someone else be possibly convincing you of, that aren't maybe really where you need to be? It's important to always sift through influences. We do it for our kids, but do we do it for ourselves?