400 pounds is not in my future!


02/10/2015 4:45PM
Great honest blog post. Thank you for sharing. I know I just don't know how I got this size. I have been on and off a diet for most of my life and yet I am 15 pounds heavier than I was 4 years ago!!! This is what I know. When my kids were young every summer, I took them to the pool at lunch and came home at dinner. We had taco salad almost every night. I would end the summer at a size 8 and end winter at a size 16!!!! I never dieted then, but I do remember taking a calisthenics class for a few weeks. YOU CAN DO THIS... I CAN DO THIS... WE ALL CAN DO THIS... This being, move more each day and eat a little healthier each day. After all, we really only have now. Yesterday is a memory and tomorrow a fantasy. HUGS and thank you for sharing!

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