The Confession

mona rose l.

02/16/2015 10:50AM
I LOVE this post!!! I too struggle. good for week, one stumble and the whole day is blown! but this time when I hit the 2 week mark the I knew that I had the potential to stumble, gave my self PERMISSION to eat a cupcake, and the rest of the day/week I was fine. and do not lie to yourself! 20lbs is HUGE!!! CONGRATULATIONS! I think that perhaps we need to reframe the "cheat",and call it "living" instead. all of the changes we make must become part of our permanent lifestyle in order to maintain our healthy living. I can promise you that I will face many more cupcakes in my life. and is eating just one helps me to keep going, then so be it! by having one cupcake, I did not eat the whole cake, and it is to be chalked up as a success! if you ate one piece or a whole box, who cares? you are fine. you are the perfect you making the choices to live the lifestyle you choose. And your perfect life includes Valentine's candy.

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